Monday, April 7, 2014

Yes. Yes, I am one of them. I'm a refuser.

Consider it a coming out, of sorts.
It’s true.  I’m one of *them*.  I’m a refuser.

For those of you who don’t know this already, I feel it’s time to just put it right out there and take ownership.  My husband and I are the "crazies" that you’re currently being warned about.

We are refusers, and chose an alternative vaccination schedule for our daughter.
~~insert dramatic music here~~   

It may not seem like a big thing...but it's a dangerous time to be a refuser.  
Even the high profile supporters are a little leery right now.

The reason I have decided to put this into a blog post is because as the fear-mongering revs up, and the propaganda is in full force right now, my husband and I have both recently seen some uncharacteristic behavior in people. In the past, we never really worried about mentioning our choice out loud.  But now, there is a firestorm occurring and the fear being generated in the media is creating a witch hunt for those of us who choose an alternative schedule with our children's vaccinations.  But there is more.  Our rights as parents are being threatened.  Your rights.

Let's start a few years back.

Rob and I are *older folks* and we collectively have children spanning over 3 decades.!  We surmised we were done having children when we met and then married in 2005, but we are now the proud parents of an additional wee girl named Kenz, our 8 year old fairy imp. 
So, here is the thing.  We love our daughter.  I mean, wildly.  She came to us late in life, and she was not only a ‘surprise’ baby, she was a miracle baby.  As in, not able to be conceived!  But lo and behold, here is our girl.  Raising her as older than average parents has been a challenging and unique experience.  Rob has a son from his first marriage, now in his twenties.  I have two children from my first marriage, both in their twenties.  We both did things very differently when we were younger parents.  And although the first batch of kids grew up to be amazing individuals, we both felt we had more to offer Kenz as we were older, a bit wiser and more open to different viewpoints.  That being said, oh how we have painstakingly worried, fretted, pondered over how to raise this one!  Like most parents do :)  

What I'm going to share is not intended to convince anyone of anything. This is just one person’s story.  I offer it in an attempt to see the reasoning behind how one set of devoted, loving parents came to their personal decision.  If it inspires you to do some independent research, swell.  If not, it's your personal journey, and none of my business.  I'd also ask you to consider how each of us as parents make choices based on our desire for the very best for our children, and to remember this before you blindly categorize and label parents who have made a different choice than you, as crazy, neglectful or unloving.  Trust me when I say, you'd be surprised how many of us refusers there are out there who are making similar decisions for their children.
Perhaps they're not sharing their story with you or others because of the possible backlash, which is not always pretty.

Allow me to offer you a brief glimpse into the fear/hatred that we refusers hear on a regular basis through overheard conversations, social media, parenting boards, friends/co-workers/family. 

1.  Uninformed and ignorant.
2.  Neglectful parents.
3.  CPS should take your children away from you.
4.  All of you idiots who refuse should be sent away to an island to infect one another and die off.
5.   It will serve you right when your child dies from one of these diseases.
6.  If you loved your child you'd take care of them.
7.  People like you will be the demise of the world.

I guess maybe I’m naïve, but I can’t understand why you think you should be allowed to have a say in what we feel is best for our child? 
I would never say that our choice is the right choice, it’s simply our choice.  
Based on our own beliefs, research, and the best interest of our individual child and her needs.

I’d like to share the why of our own personal decision, and hopefully I won’t be automatically accused of being a “Jenny McCarthy cult follower or conspiracy theorist”.  Because frankly, I have no interest in Jenny McCarthy or what’s she’s doing.  That is hers.  Good news, she gets to have an opinion, after all we do have that freedom.  For now.

Here are a few things that we took into consideration when making the decision of an alternative vaccination schedule for our family.

1.  The increase in the number of vaccinations given over the years.  Holy smokes.  Why?  I mean, seriously, why?  How is it that we just allowed this to happen, blindly, without questioning it?  We have idly sat back as more and more special interest groups, big money, and big pharma have become involved.  One of the first questions I ask when I'm questioning the validity of any theory, is where is the money trail?  Let's look at that.  Who stands to financially benefit from this dramatic increase?  It sure isn't my child or my family. Big pharma makes no $$$ from a healthy, AT-ease population.  They do, however, stand to profit greatly from an unhealthy, DIS-eased population. 
If you are ever called to dig a little deeper, look up "Vaccine Courts" and the trillions of dollars that have been paid to the 1,000's of families who have vaccine injured children.  Yes, it's very real and it's definitely something to think about. 

2.  The science and research into the already declining numbers of outbreaks of certain diseases *before* the introduction of immunizations.  Could it be possible that more sanitary living conditions, cleaner water, more readily available medical care could have had an impact on the decline?  The facts and statistics are there, but seriously, will we find them on the surface?  What would happen to our dependency on the system if we started asking for the research, other than what the CDC says we're entitled to see as 'average citizens'.  If I sound distrusting, I am.  I've learned much, the deeper I've researched for the facts.  I know CDC provides information.  The information they're allowed to provide.  Again, think about it.  Who stands to profit?  What would happen if we learned a deception has been occurring?  Mass hysteria anyone? 

      3.  One size dosage fits all.  They're prepackaged, and the same dose they give to a newborn is what they they give to a 6 year old.  This one boggles my mind.  How can it be logical, legal, or safe to give the same dosage to everyone?  Have you ever asked if your child was being injected according to their weight?  Might want to ask about that one, too.

4.  Why do we blindly follow what we’re told without looking into it?  I used to live in that world, not any more.  Just because someone tells me something, that does not mean it’s truth.  
It means it is what they know.  Every dentist, teacher, doctor, hair stylist, lawyer, mechanic, engineer knows what they've been told and taught.  
They each had a set curriculum that they followed.  
Does that make it truth?  No.  Are there always other alternatives?  Yes!
For fun, ask your doctor to share with you all they know about the ingredients (active and inactive) in the vaccines.   Then ask them to show you the package insert for each of the vaccinations your child is about to receive.  I have.  I can almost guarantee they will tell you, "Don't worry about it.  I am the doctor.  It’s for the best.  Do you have a medical degree?"  They really won’t know or say much more, except to possibly give you a condescending lecture and the crackerjack eye for daring to question their authority. you might imagine, I'd highly recommend you DO question their authority.

5.  Where is the INDEPENDENT research?  I'd be more than happy to reevaluate my current stance if I could be provided with some research and clinical studies that were not funded by groups that stand to profit from the findings. Ugh.  Oh, the media is so happy to link you to studies that will tell you the dangers of not following the current schedule, but every time you see that link, I encourage you to follow the money.  Who funded it?  What is their interest?  

So, has there been research by outside sources?  Oh yes.  Unfortunately, many of the doctors who have come forth have been smeared and mocked within their communities and ostracized from their profession.  Fortunately, many are still fighting the battle.  They're out there.  Find them.  I highly recommend Dr. Tenpenny.  Take some time, learn more about them, and entertain their ideas of alternative schedules.  See if you might have missed something along the way.  Remember, if you have a slight change of heart, it doesn't mean you were wrong!  We all do the best we can with the information we have, until we have more information.  
Then if we like, we can make different decisions.

      See, I'm not against all vaccines.  I'm against the current, aggressive schedule and the inactive ingredients still in some of them.  I'm also against the newer ones being offered such as hpv and shingles, the ones whose data is still coming in.  How about we actually know what the long term affects are before we start administering?  Also, flu shots.  Have you read an insert? Consider it.

Are their alternatives?  YES!  Yes Yes Yes!
There are physicians who will not only assist you, but SUPPORT your decision to choose an alternative schedule, and also provide you with immunizations that do *not* have all the unnecessary, inactive ingredients.  But, you must ask.  You must ask again.  You may even have to demand it or change pediatricians.  But, it's your right and responsibility as a parent to question what they are injecting into your children.  If you are not respected when you want to have this discussion, or if you are treated in a condescending manner, take it as a sign. 

Here is a question I often get when people hear we are refusers. 
Do you think that vaccines cause autism?  No

This is how I see it.  I look at our immune system as a big ole bucket.  That bucket is filled with all kinds of stuff that it didn't used to be filled with years ago.  Chemicals, dyes, preservatives, environmental pollutants.  The ever increasing amount of products we breathe, put on our skin, and ingest is rampant with UNnatural ingredients.  Our bucket gets filled one ingredient at a time.  
Now look at our children’s immune system.  If they already have a bucket with some junk in it, due to environment or certain health conditions, and then we dump in some chemical filled formula, water, lotion, etc., it gets fuller.  Then we dump in a bit more chemical airborne exposure, a little fuller still.  Now, we're precariously close to overflowing that bucket, we are right at the edge.
Then, we get that one extra vaccine and all the inactive junk like mercury, aluminum, MSG. Whoosh.  That creates a “spillover” into their little bodies.  All the junk which is not being contained in the immune system bucket, is now floating around in their bodies freely.  What symptoms might manifest?  How might that overloaded immune system find a way to express its overwhelmed and over exceeded capacity but through a bodily event and certain symptoms?

Clearly, this is my personal insight and not science! I don't mean it to be.  But it is one mama’s attempt to explain a process in a simple analogy.  It works for me, even makes a little sense.  Kenz's immune system is challenged/compromised.  I simply won't risk overloading her.
All that being said, are you aware that on certain vaccine inserts, it very plainly states that this vaccine can cause autism?  Again...research.

So, here is what it all boils down to for me at this time.  Right now, there are those that are on a mission to instill great fear and chaos...and mostly, division.  Us against them.  Someone, the powers that be, wants you to be scared of the refusers. Why?
You *could* buy into the hype about recent "outbreaks", but do you realize that those few isolated cases were among the already vaccinated community?  If the vaccines are effective, how did they catch the virus?  If the unvaccinated did not have the virus, how could they cause the spread?  I feel confused.  It's disturbing how quick people are to jump on the bandwagon without researching any other sources than opinion pieces in mainstream media outlets.  Research what even constitutes a breakout!  Fascinating.  And don't even get me started on herd immunity. If you don't understand it, stop using it as a tool of hate filled propaganda.

So again, why the recent amped up effort to instill fear and chaos?  It's simple.  There is currently a push to make all vaccines mandatory.  To make it illegal to opt out with an exemption form.  It's a growing threat and it's very real.  Check out what's going on in Colorado.
Folks, this is sketchy stuff.

While you're busy condemning me and other loving parents, there is legislation occurring where your RIGHTS and CHOICE will be taken away.  Not just mine.  Yours.  The saddest part?  You'll welcome it.  They will have created such a wild, frenzied hate fest and witch hunt that when it is proposed, you'll be the first in line to sign it into law.  Because of *them*.  Us.  The refusers.  You'll be so busy pointing at us as the villains, and meanwhile you've just created an opportunity, welcomed the opportunity, where the government will decide the fate of your child.  There will be no choice.  Imagine being the parent of a child who stands to be vaccine-injured if forced to take part in mandatory vaccinations.  Think it can't happen?  You better believe it can. 

Regardless of what you think of me, or my choices as a you want some outside authority telling you what they will do to your child?  With or without your consent.  Yikes!  I am not asking you to support my choice, I am asking, no, pleading with you, to support your own rights as a parent.  All it takes is one opportunity to control our parenting, and what comes next?  I'd rather not find out.  Remember, in Nazi Germany, people felt it was in their best interest to go along willingly with their leader, they initially welcomed his overseeing protection.  The laws that were increasingly implemented for their 'protection' ended up stealing all their individual rights and freedoms until the day came where they realized they'd created their own prison and were unable to get out.
So, yes, it might be easy to label me as fearful, rather than a concerned citizen, but I will say -  I rather enjoy my personal freedoms, thank you very much!

On a personal note, your child is vaccinated.  Mine is not.  Please don't worry that my kid could be a threat to yours.  Truth is, my child is far more at risk being exposed to your child after receiving a live-virus vaccine as it sloughs off through bodily secretions for the next 30 days!

If you choose to not allow your child around mine, I will honor that.  Just please be sure you’re making that decision based on your own research and not the information provided by special interest groups, opinion pieces, or the fear inciting mainstream media outlets.  

Finally, if you find yourself condemning and pointing your shame-filled finger at a group of parents whom you know nothing about, and you feel it's your civic duty to shout from the mountaintops that they should be forced to vaccinate or else go live on an isolated island, remember, it will also be YOUR parental rights taken away.  

I don't want anyone to tell me how to raise my children.  I certainly don't want the government telling me they know what's best for my child.  Do you?  These divine little beings chose us to care for them, love them and protect them.  And we're all doing the best that we can.  How about we support one another, and have an important discussion.  Stop pointing fingers, and lend a helping hand or a receptive ear.  That seems a much better use of time and energy.  If you have questions or opinions, I always welcome the dialogue!  :)
For more information on topics such as this and other random musings...check out my FB page, "She UnEarthed" or my personal FB page "Lisa Howard"


  1. Love love love! We stopped vaxxing too and get teased and ridiculed daily

  2. Loooove this article! Thank you so much for posting!

  3. How are you getting around the "vaccine requirements" for school?

    1. By Federal law you can state your child is not getting the shots for (reasons allowing exemption from vaccination vary by state, I live in PA so philosophical, religious, or medical) philosophical/religious reasons. The school cant do shit about it because they answer to the local and state government. If you are talking private school then yes they can require that your child be vaccinated.

    2. In CA, you can sign waivers too.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  5. In most states, one can exempt their children from vaccination requirements based on religious belief (which is personal belief) or medical exemption. You simply have to file a form every year with the school. If there is an outbreak at school, they will tell you to keep your child home. This has never happened to us, even though we have eight children who were all exempted. ( WI, AL, NE, AZ)

  6. Lovely article. I'm a refuser too. :)
    For the above commenters, unfortunately, WV and MS do not have exemptions, other than medical exemptions. It's also difficult to obtain exemptions in NY, from what I understand. It's one reason I stay in CA, although they tried to make it harder for us to opt out.

  7. I suspect there are many of us refusers out there - far more than we think. I am an adult refuser and refuse all vaccines for myself and have done since my early 20s despite (or because of) being a (now ex) pharmacist. I don't have kids but if I ever do they sure will not be vaccinated. We refusers are certainly not alone and it helps a lot to know that. Slowly and with each other's support we are coming out. Thank you for adding to that movement!

    1. I am a pharmacist too and have totally changed my mindset on all of this stuff from school! My kids have received very few vaccinations, and I stopped getting them myself. I loose a lot of respect from those in my field, but it boils down to who looses sleep at night ... me over my kids or them over my kids!

  8. Just to say, you missed a step with the herd immunity bit. You know, the step where all the babies, adolescents, and adults who didn't have any sort of natural immunity passed on, either because they never had the disease or their parents weren't part of the 'lucky' perfect circle there who all got the mild disease and had no issues, who all died horrible deaths from preventable illness, thus weeding out the weak and immune-compromised members of the herd, allowing for the survival of the fittest and most adapted members. I mean, it's an easy step to miss, seeing as so many of today's parents were vaccinated and did not 'get the mild' disease form, so they can't pass on the amazing immunity you're describing. I hope all the parents who lose their precious children this way come to realize how much of a danger not immunizing can be, and decide to stand up for the protection of my kids.

    1. I'm guessing you know very little about immunisations from the above statement. The whole point is that they create an immunity by exposing your body to just enough of the disease that your immune system can build up the antibodies but not so much that you contract the illness.

    2. I think you misunderstood the comment you replied to (which I also found VERY confusingly phrased.) If you read the last sentence, you'll see that Chris Hagen is also urging people to get their immunizations. He/she is simply pointing out the problem with the blog owner's claims about "natural immunity": If you say "Oh, those diseases aren't so bad because everyone who talks about going through them says they were mild and you got natural immunity from them" that's ignoring all the people who could warn "YES, those diseases are bad because they CAN KILL YOU" but can't give that warning because THEY'RE DEAD. I suspect (just my own hunch) Chris Hagen may have a child who is medically vulnerable, and is restraining anger because the blogger is saying "Oh, normal children should survive these diseases just fine!" as if those who WON'T don't MATTER.

    3. You can't expect others to sacrifice themselves or that of their children for your child. Vaccines are the problem here, not people who don't believe in them. You said it above: survival of the fittest. So that means if you do perhaps have a child who doesn't have a working immune system or health problem, then they aren't mean to survive, based on your logic. Personally I think all life is precious, every single life! In order for people to "survive" and "be fit" they need adequate food, clean water and less stress! They don't need to be systematically poisoned, coerced, threatened, fear mongered, guilted, over injected, over medicated...the list goes on! The reality of this whole situation is people are being poisoned and it's been going on a long time. If your child is sick, then ultimately that is your problem, not mine. Perhaps you or your spouse didn't take care of yourselves, or inherited a genetic disorder, or perhaps your parents were vaccinated, or perhaps you made them ill through allowing them to be vaccinated? There are many reason's that your child is sick, none of which are any reason I have to sacrifice my child or myself. Natural instinct. Survival here. I am wired to protect myself and my offspring. So, now with several generations of contamination via vaccination, we are now seeing the result's: autism, infections, chronic illness, cancer, deathly allergies, neurological injuries, seizures, sids, mitochondrial disorders...again the list goes on. DNA was contaminated. We all have been contaminated. So either you feel guilty for your own ignorance or your parent's ignorance, or the blind indifference of your doctor, or perhaps God. Don't you dare blame it on those who chose to refuse. Blame it on the people responsible. We are sorry for your loss, we feel your pain, we only ask you do the same. May God Bless you. Open your eyes. Love and respect.

    4. WOW! Just WOW! I am dumbfounded by the level of ignorance in your statement. I won't even bother trying to enlighten you to all the ways that you are mistaken, clearly it would be a waste of breath!

  9. I always love reading stuff like this because if certain words were redacted I would have a very difficult time knowing which side of the issue the author stands as the same arguments are made by both sides. "fearmongering" "parent's rights being at stake" "doing what's best for the children or my children" Then there are always a ton of memes or other sources of information debunking the other side. Then there is always the plea to do your own research. This is the stance I take on this issue and any other's where the truth seems to be much more difficult to uncover. As long as the government, or anyone for that matter mandate one way or another how a parent or individual decides, then end of discussion. Simple as that. All the mudslinging back and forth by both sides is just fine. Even the name calling haha.

  10. Wow. You've really never read any scientific literature on vaccines, have you?
    You want to talk fear mongering? Your graphics try to relate vaccines and autism. Which have no link.
    You talk about "usually mild and harmless," but so are car crashes. MOST PEOPLE walk away from a car accident. But some die. And you just won't know until it's your child in the back seat during a high speed collision. Trusting that they're going to walk away doesn't justify not giving them a seat belt.
    Your graphics mention penetrating the blood brain barrier. Do you even know what the blood brain barrier is? Raised histamines do nothing. If they did, we'd have cured brain cancer long ago.
    The whole POINT of mass vaccination is that they're NOT 100% effective, and there will always be some who can't get them for some reason. It's not about the number of cases in the news, it's the proportions. And keep in mind- it's not even the KIDS who aren't vaccinated who are at the highest risk. It's the adults who's parents didn't vaccinate them, and then caught the disease as adults. I'm sure you'd be thrilled if one of your twenty year olds caught rubella while they were pregnant (hanging out with opt-outer probably) and their fetus was damaged for life.

    What you're saying with this article is, "Sometimes the thing that is safest for me, my children, and society is scary to me, so I'm not going to do that even if it means people might die." And THAT is one of the most selfish, cowardly attitudes I can imagine.

    Whatever literature you're reading is wrong, and it seems to me you are intentionally avoiding questioning THAT.

    If I could get my children vaccinated against car accidents, bad boyfriends, falling out of trees... I probably would. Because yeah, most of the time they'd probably come through it just fine. But I'd rather not risk the frighteningly high odds that they'd be the one to get thrown through the windshield, murdered during a breakup, or fracture their spines.

    You're welcome not to vaccinate your kids, but do the rest of us a favor and put a sign on them, so the immunocompromised adults in the public places they go can be forewarned. The other non-vaxers would probably be delighted to pick them out of a crowd easily anyway, consider it a public service to all.

    ...although based on this post, serving the public seems pretty darn low on your list of priorities.

    1. "It's the adults who's parents didn't vaccinate them, and then caught the disease as adults."

      You got that right! It's because when an elderly person's parents decided not to vaccinate them for something like chicken pox, because it's one of the world's most easiest childhood ailments to recover and thereby become immune from, there wasn't an opportunity to catch it. Because of people LIKE YOU.

      As far as the literature she uses in this post, I take it that you're essentially admitting to never have picked up a vaccine insert yourself or ventured through the CDC website thoroughly enough to open your mouth. The information she's referring to is BLATANTLY STATED ALL OVER THE PLACE and it's clearly people LIKE YOU who don't give a crap about serving the public - or even your own children's best interests. OR your best interests as a parent, which btw, is at the core of this post.

      If you support the government taking over and telling you to jump and when, then you're helping to create sad, sad country indeed. Where is the show of affection for your own parental rights? Are you really too busy caring whether or not MY child contracts a disease that YOUR child is "protected" against? I can't even wrap my mind around the stupid.

    2. Have you even read the article because half the statements you've made can be quickly dismissed by scrolling up and reading what she's written. For instance where has there been a connection to autism suggested as I can only see the denial of a connection.

      Please read articles first and don't just post generic arguments against them without any apparent knowledge of the subject area. It's people like you that really bring down internet discussions to little more than childish arguments.

  11. Interesting article, but I would like to give some alternative information. 1) Big Pharma makes far more money when a child is hospitalized due to vaccine preventable disease. 2.) It is very true that clean water and sanitation help to bring down mortality from disease, these are practices that are still utilized today, however children still ended up in iron lungs or were paralyzed until the induction of the vaccine. It's not just about children dying it's about quality of life too. 3.) Vaccines aren't dose dependent, they aren't designed like drugs. They enter intramuscularly and contain weakened or inactivated proteins along with minimal adjuvants or preservatives that the body can overcome. 4.) Questioning authority as a reason to risk your child's life? I'm sure there are other ways that you can stand against authority figures. 5.) Unfortunately, independent research will be hard to come by. This is the real world with limited resources. Who will pay for the billions of dollars it takes to research? Especially research that already took place that followed all the requirements that were reviewed by hundreds of doctors, immunologist, and epidemiologist. You follow the Alternative Schedule, cry for better research, yet the alternative schedule doesn't have one peer reviewed study on it. As to the other issues, Tripedia- here a quote from the actual insert of the discontinued vaccine about the autism and SIDS inclusion. "Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine" Anyone can report in VEARS with any reason, since the uptake of the Green Your Vaccines movement more parents reported in VEARS. Scientist investigated and found no causal link here are 110 studies :
    As to reason us parents care about whether or not your child vaccinates? "Antivaccinationism, “antivax,” or whatever you want to call it, represents a particularly insidious and dangerous form of quackery because it doesn’t just endanger the children whose parents don’t vaccinate them. It also endangers children who are vaccinated, because vaccines are not 100% effective. The best vaccines have effectiveness rates in the 90%-plus range, but that still leaves somewhere up to 10% of children unprotected. Worse, because herd immunity requires in general approximately 90% of the population and above to be vaccinated against a vaccine-preventable disease to put the damper on outbreaks, it doesn’t take much of a degradation of vaccination rates to put a population in danger of outbreaks." There are some gross misunderstanding and conception about vaccination. Vaccination effectiveness relies on not only keeping these deadly virus/bacteria at bay but also our genetics play a large role. Natural immunity only goes so far for some people. Vaccinations are our children best shot.

    1. 1) Big Pharma makes far more money when a child is hospitalized due to vaccine preventable disease.
      No, that can't possibly be true even half of the time. Different drugs from different companies 90% of the time. There are over one thousand pharma/biotechs of drug manufacturing companies. What a coincidence it must be to manufacture the vaccine AND the drug to treat the disease. Well if that is not a monopoly what is? Take the least profitable drug and limit the supply. Win!!! Nope, this is pure speculation.
      Here is a list of JUST pharma. (no biotechs): A-N

      Abbott Laboratories
      Ajanta Pharma
      Alexion Pharmaceuticals
      Altana Pharma AG
      Amico Laboratories
      Anavex Life Sciences
      Apotex Inc.
      Astellas Pharma
      Avax Technologies
      Avella Specialty Pharmacy
      Axcan Pharma


      Bargn Farmaceutici Phils Co
      Bausch & Lomb
      Baxter International
      Bayer Schering Pharma AG
      Beximco Pharma
      Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd
      Biogen Idec
      Bristol-Myers Squibb
      Cadila Healthcare
      Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.
      CSL Limited
      Daiichi Sankyo
      Dainippon Sumitomo Pharma
      Dawakhana Shifaul Amraz
      Diabetology Ltd
      Diffusion Pharmaceuticals
      Dr. Reddy's Laboratories


      Ego Pharmaceuticals
      Eisai (company)
      Élan Corporation
      Elder Pharmaceuticals
      Eli Lilly and Company
      Elorac, Inc.
      Emergent BioSolutions
      Endo Pharmaceuticals
      Eskayef Bangladesh Limited
      F. Hoffmann–La Roche Ltd., which owns Genentech and Chugai Pharmaceuticals
      Ferring Pharmaceuticals
      Forest Laboratories
      Fresenius Kabi[37]
      Fresenius Medical Care
      Galderma Laboratories
      Genentech, a subsidiary of Hoffmann-La Roche
      Getz Pharma
      Gilead Sciences
      Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
      GPC Biotech
      Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries (Julphar)
      Help Remedies
      Hetero Drugs
      Hexal Australia
      Hikma Pharmaceuticals
      Hoffmann–La Roche
      Ipca Laboratories
      IMULAN BioTherapeutics, LLC
      Incepta Pharmaceuticals
      Institute for OneWorld Health
      Intas Biopharmaceuticals
      Interphil Laboratories
      Janssen Pharmaceutica Products, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson
      Jenapharm, a subsidiary of Bayer Schering Pharma
      JN-International Medical Corporation
      Johnson & Johnson
      Lupin Limited


      3M Pharmaceuticals
      MannKind Corporation
      Melior Discovery
      Merck & Co.
      Merck KGaA
      Millennium Pharmaceuticals
      Mitsubishi Pharma


      NovaBay Pharmaceuticals
      Novo Nordisk

    2. 3.) Vaccines aren't dose dependent, they aren't designed like drugs. They enter intramuscularly and contain weakened or inactivated proteins along with minimal adjuvants or preservatives that the body can overcome.

      "Can" overcome. That does not mean will overcome 100% of the time. We all have unique bio-physical makeups. Some people can't handle booze, others can drink all day. Some people cannot handle a cold others brush it off. We are not all the same.

    3. 4.)? 5.) Unfortunately, independent research will be hard to come by. This is the real world with limited resources. Who will pay for the billions of dollars it takes to research?
      Who will pay for provax messaging?????? really, do I need to answer that? Who will pay for true independent research is the question. No, the research that has been done on every drug ever produced is the furthest from independently produced research. Don't you read the financial papers regarding companies being sued for hiding critical data from the FDA???? There is tons money behind getting you to vax. Zero dollars to message you to be careful. If you don't think researchers are swayed by job offers you are naive. If you don't think the FDA has been captured by industry you are again naive, or at the very least grossly uninformed on the subject. Here is just one example of hundreds:

  12. Great post! Shared on facebook for sure! ... I can't believe the vitriol some people have and it's all total ignorance.

  13. While I agree with the alternative schedule, I can bring myself to agree with the complete refusal to vaccinate. Also, it should still be a parents choice, whether I agree or not it should not be illegal to refuse to vaccinate. I just wanted to hit on one point in this blog. The side effects listed in the vaccine that you linked to. Are you aware that the only reason they listed any of these side effects is because of personal reports by parents who claim their children became autistic after being vaccinated, and is not based on research. Their is actually no data to prove or disprove that it causes autism, or any of the side effects from the vaccine. That bit of 'information' is very misleading.

    1. 28 studies that indicate a connection between vaccines and autism -

    2. I am a parent of a child who received vaccines. I believe I will trust the reports by parents who know the behavior of their own child better than any doctor. Not including the Parents' experiences as data is MISLEADING! And I have not seen any parents who refuse/ delay vaccines who would keep their children from getting vaccines as adults. We VALUE our freedom of choice and raise our children to do the same. If my child as an adult decides to vaccinate themselves or their own children, IT IS THEIR RIGHT! The point is not that vaccines can never ever be the right choice for anyone; but rather that in this country we still have that freedom to choose what we believe and understand and research or trust to be correct and we still have that freedom to act on our beliefs.


    1. Dr Peter Aaby has produced volumes of research on measles in Africa. Initially there was a belief that measles infection was associated with immune suppression and higher long-term mortality, but that belief came from vaccine research, not natural measles research.

      “The belief in persistent immune suppression was stimulated by increased mortality after high-titre measles vaccination.” [8]

      Once natural measles was monitored long-term the knowledge changed. According to Aaby,

      “When measles infection is mild, clinical measles has no long-term excess mortality and may be associated with better overall survival than no clinical measles infection. Sub-clinical measles is common among immunised children and is not associated with excess mortality.” [9]

      Measles is mildest when the infected person is replete with vitamins C and A. The devastation and mortality you hear about with measles comes from starving populations.

      Do you know that 30% of cases of measles in unvaccinated are missed because they are so mild?[10] Subclinical measles is an entity that most doctors today are unaware of. If they are missed in unvaccinated, and there are known outbreaks of measles in 100 percent vaccinated populations, are cases missed in vaccinated populations too? Is measles still alive and well but going unnoticed in vaccinated countries, until a well-publicized outbreak occurs, as vaccine necessity is being trumpeted? What doctor would know or is even looking for atypical measles?

      Talk to your grandmother about measles. Ask her if she saw death and destruction from the disease. It was not a disease that needed eradication. The high death rates were in countries where children were undernourished and lacked vitamins necessary to process the virus. Alexander Langmuir, MD is known today as “the father of infectious disease epidemiology.” In 1949 he created the epidemiology section of what is now known as the CDC. He also headed the Polio Surveillance Unit that was started in 1955 after the polio vaccine misadventures. Dr Langmuir knew that measles was not a disease that needed eradication when he said: “To those who ask me, ‘Why do you wish to eradicate measles?,’ I reply with the same answer that Hillary used when asked why he wished to climb Mt. Everest. He said, ‘Because it is there.’ To this may be added, “. . and it can be done.” [11] - See more at:

  15. Thank you so much for your post. There are so many people who only have an opinion on this subject based on the information they have been provided by the mass media. I have a baby due in 1 week and I am still investigating how we are going to handle the vaccination issue, most likely a refusal of some and an alternative schedule of others. Just the other day the topic came up at work. We have a small office and 75% of the employees are expecting right now. It was so surprising to hear the hate that was coming out of people's mouths about parents that don't vaccinate. Since it was a work setting and my boss was one of the haters, I just stayed in the background and didn't comment. But what I do know is that all of the people that were hating have kids that get sick all the time and are personally not in the best of health. They laugh at me because I avoid things like GMO's and don't take any medication at all, but I'm healthy, strong and happy. I haven't had to take a sick day in years. The same people that are out sick all the time because they are ill or their kids are ill, the same people that take 10 smoke breaks a day, are telling me that they know best. I don't buy it.

    1. Stick to your guns Mama. There is so much bullying between parents. Sometimes it is better to not even talk about some things at work. I had a natural birth and got bullied endlessly over it. People are not kind.

  16. Thank you for "coming out" and sharing your story, but not pushing your opinion on others.

  17. I like how you say that the incident rates had dropped before the vaccine was introduced and posted a graph showing mortality rates of measles. The incident rate, or morbidity rate hadn't dropped until after the vaccine was introduced.

  18. Kathy, The incident rate dropped dramatically before the vaccine!

  19. I find it amusing- I could have written this exact post. Perhaps it is an effect of being an older more mature parent that allows us to question authority more, I don't know. I get so tried of being accused of following an actress to make medical choices. I never read a thing from Jenny.. I also don't avoid certain vax because I am afraid of autism. I DO avoid certain chemicals though. THIS is from my years studying and handling chemicals for my job. It never made sense to me that you can't expose grown men to mercury but it is ok to inject it into children. Or aluminum or anything else for that matter. Studies performed on rats and pigs and even monkeys are not convincing to me. My daughter will not be a test subject either. Thanks for posting this.

  20. Food proteins must be broken down into their constituent amino acids by the digestive process before they enter the bloodstream, or there's trouble ahead, starting with allergy to the food source, and potentially progressing from there to serious chronic, systemic disorders. Vaccines are deposited directly into the capillary beds of the muscles, from which they're quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, complete bypassing the cascade of natural immune and digestive reactions in the gut and the mucosal membranes. Depending on the vaccines, they contain: yeast extract; recombinant human albumin; embryonic guinea pig cell cultures; chick embryo cell culture; bovine calf serum; monkey kidney cells; residual components of MRC-5 cells (from aborted human fetuses) including DNA and protein; possibly in the various mediums (modified Latham medium, for instance, contains bovine heart extract); and possibly in various vegetable oils that may be contained in adjuvants, but which, if used, don't have to be listed as ingredients by the manufacturer.

    Same goes for the insane list of known neurotoxins included in vaccines. If ingested, the body might first eliminate them, through nausea or through the bowels, and then they would be detoxed by the liver before entering the circulatory system. All those safeguards are are foregone by vaccinations.

    The IgA that is only found in the mucosal membranes - a different type from that found in the blood - eliminates most of the potentially pathogenic organisms we encounter, before they infect. Vaccination even abandons the possibility of not getting sick.

    It's idiocy, sustained only by the fact that the bulk of vaccine injury is delayed from the fact of vaccination, obfuscating the causal relation. Were the damage done by vaccines to be realized immediately, the paradigm long ago would have been halted, because those administering the shots would have been pummeled by outraged parents.

  21. so many things to say. I guess I'll start by saying i'm a pro-vaxer or whatever you want to call it.

    I agree with a lot of this, such as the general tone of how annoying the intolerance of pro-vaxers are. We really need to start to understand that refusers are just concerned parents trying to do whats best for their child and stop attacking with fear mongering. (although I do actually fear some of the possibilites so I understand why they do that and why you do, because to you it is truth.)

    also I totally agree with do your research. However one thing both sides seem to be missing is that it is so often interpreted and read this paper by this person or that person or follow the money trail or reviews of those papers. I think if you are going to argue a point about vaccines you should first learn the basics of how the immune system works. how bodies react, how cells react. Not just a line from an info graphic or meme either but understand HOW!

    Now for my controversial point (and its not even vax related): Parental Rights.
    NO just NO!
    you do not have all rights over your child. congratulations on being able to have sex and being fertile. That does not give you the right to beat your child, to rape them, to starve them, to ignore them in favour of drugs, to sell them.
    ok, so it does give you the right to decide what kind of education they have, how to discipline them, how to care for them and how to do whats best for them.

    so where does vaccinating them sit on this scale?
    I don't know.

    But you do NOT get to use Parental Rights as an argument!
    why? because it is total fear mongering to suggest that someone else will not let you take care of your child. but more importantly because
    arguments like this Support Child Abuse!

    just to be clear, I am not suggesting that not vaccinating is child abuse.
    I am suggesting that you should not lend support to and argument (that parents have the ultimate right to decide what to do with their kids) that supports Child Abuse!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I differ, it IS a parental right to disallow an injection under the skin of ANY kind. This has already been determined in the Supreme Court.

      And, since you mention it, "children's rights": to protect them from getting beat, etc.- These rights first entered THIS country from ANIMAL rights.

      You heard that right: ANIMALS had those protections first. A savvy lawyer used the argument that even animals have greater rights, and therefore by extension children should have at least the same. This is how courts granted the first children's rights in this country.

      So let's extend that thought shall we? Do you, should you HAVE to vaccinate your pet?

      (edited and reposted for grammar)

  22. ''but it's a dangerous time to be a refuser.'' no it isn't.
    it's a dangerous time to be a kid with anti-vaxxers around.

    the only reason you have the luxury of refusing vaccines is because they have worked so well.

    Maybe when polio comes roaring back you'll reconsider.
